Meet the Farmers podcast – 84. Meet the Forester

In the latest podcast episode, alongside the week’s farming news, Ben speaks to forester, Luke Hemmings about why he thinks farmers should think more about trees.

Eco-Friendly Grilling: Is It Possible to Barbecue Sustainably? – Guest post by Ben Smith

With the ever growing movement encouraging us all to live sustainably, our eating habits have been one of the main aspects of our modern lives that have come under the microscope. Our carbon footprints are no longer only defined by our reliance on vehicles and long haul travel, but also the impact our food choicesContinueContinue reading “Eco-Friendly Grilling: Is It Possible to Barbecue Sustainably? – Guest post by Ben Smith”

Chris Packham and the Nature Friendly Farming Network I recently visited Martin Lines, UK Chair of the Nature Friendly Farming Network. Martin invites large numbers of people to his farm each year to show them what he is doing to improve the state of nature on his farm. One of those guests was Chris Packham who organised a bioblitz to take placeContinueContinue reading “Chris Packham and the Nature Friendly Farming Network”

Meet the Farmers – episode 28 – ‘Searching for Common Ground at the Oxford Farming Conference and the Oxford Real Farming Conference’

Every January well over a thousand people gather in Oxford to talk all things connected to food and farming, at the Oxford Farming Conference and the Oxford Real Farming Conference. For the first time I attended both conferences in an attempt to search for common ground and to see whether delegates would be interested inContinueContinue reading “Meet the Farmers – episode 28 – ‘Searching for Common Ground at the Oxford Farming Conference and the Oxford Real Farming Conference’”

Searching for Common Ground at the ORFC and the OFC

I will be spending the next couple of days at the 10th Oxford Real Farming Conference and the 73rd Oxford Farming Conference and my mission is simple, but also overwhelmingly complex: to search for common ground between the two. How are these two conferences similar and how are they still fundamentally different? Is there aContinueContinue reading “Searching for Common Ground at the ORFC and the OFC”